
Part of Low Carbing it for Show Prepping...By Lisa Powers

 This blog is written by our Team Poynter member : Lisa Powers.
  She writes about some issues she had with show prepping and how lack of carbs can play with your mind ..

"I woke up Tuesday feeling like a whole new person. My mind felt clear and bright – my body energized. However, my heart weighed heavily with the words I couldn’t take back from the night before.

On the Saturday before, my meal plan changed. Which, to me, didn’t seem like a big deal since my meal plans have consistently changed over the past ten months.  Steve explained that he added more fats and less carbs to help my body burn more fat from the inside. This, I understood…made perfect sense.

What I was not aware of was how the impact of this change would affect me in a couple of days as my body switched to using a fat sources as energy and not the usual readily available glucose (carbs.)

Sunday I had made a Facebook post about my workout that I “Just wasn’t that into it today, but I sucked it up and killed it anyways.”

Monday was my 37th birthday and I LOVE MY BITHDAY! I was looking sharp in my SKINNY JEANS from the Juniors Department. I just felt excited for the day. That excitement lasted until 10:30am. From then on it was PURE EXHAUSTION. I tried eating FIVE Amino Energy Chweables – NOTHING. I drank SIX cups of green tea – NADA.

After work I went straight home, which is completely out of the norm for me. I received a package with my birthday present from my boyfriend who is 800 miles away.  Usually we stick with small gifts, but he tried to do something different and special since we have only seen each other once in over a year. He dropped a good amount of money on a necklace and bracelet. Which I instantly HATED the moment I saw them. At 4:30pm I went to bed and cried myself into an hour nap.

Once I woke up I proceeded to let my boyfriend know how cheap and non-classy his presents were in the most non-loving way I could. I didn’t want to lie, however, I didn’t use much tact. I know I hurt his heart a bit. He is such an incredibly strong man, that sometimes I forget he’s only human and can be hurt, too.

I don’t even fully understand how it all unfolded the way it did. But there I was and I felt like the most horrid person ever to come into his life. Of course, I apologized with true sincerity, but I could never change what I said. I went to bed and cried for the pain I caused in my most cherished relationship. Exhaustion fully set in and fell into sound, deep sleep.

I have heard of other who go through contest prep say how much they appreciate their companion for putting up with them. Yet, I didn’t truly know what that meant until now. Honestly, I wish I would never have found out. I hope my story helps others recognize the situation before it’s too late.

My boyfriend and I talked. We are okay. He has a bigger heart than I deserve. I haven’t taken the necklace off since I put it on the Tuesday morning. I like it. I am so in love with this man – I don’t know how I thought anything different."

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