
2013/ 2014: Team Poynter: Bodybuilding.com Challenge Results:

It's been a quite some time since I have posted a blog in relation to fitness, I"ll do my best to get things in order and start keeping you guys up to date with what is going on around here at Fitnesspoynters.com

We'll start by saying thank all of you who joined us and took your training to a new level by joining the online challenge that Bodybuilding.com offers up every year.
Some of you know we trained the winners in 2011 and had a runner up in 2012 and we are hoping to add some more to that list this year.

We haven't gotten the results of 2013 yet but we are hoping to have several finish in the top and if we do, you can expect to hear about it right here. 

 So here we go, I am posting pics below of the transformations, there are a few we still haven't gotten permission from the member so we can't or wouldn't post them without that permission, even though they can be found at bodybuilding.com .

The following are posted in no particular order.
I'll give you a name and if I have the link to the members bodyspace account, it will be linked below their pics.

Angela Rodgers:  http://www.bodyspace.com/angeliceyes

Angela Rodgers

Angela Rodgers
Nick Wallen  http://www.bodyspace.com/dnwallen

Nick Wallen

Shawn Baublitz: 
 Husband and Wife: Fit Couple : Shawn and Tina Baublitz
Tina Baublitz
Trinh Warner: Only 8 weeks time with Trinh

Kristi Burnett:  http://bodyspace.com/kristiburnett
Dave Watkins
Jen Beiswenger
Marquita Jackson :  http://www.bodyspace.com/beachbodydreams
Sandra Wilson:  http://www.bodyspace.com/flygrl218
Jeff Gabrielse

So there you go guys and girls, some amazing work put in by some really amazing people.
As I always say, it's an honor to work with such dedicated and determined individuals.
Everyone that puts in this sort of amazing work makes me very proud to be doing what I am and very honored you would give me the chance to help you change your lives as you have.

This goes out to everyone I have trained or currently train. I appreciate you all, you all do some wonderful things and I'll forever be grateful you gave me the opportunity to help in whatever way I can/ could.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Steve Poynter